“The wound is the place where the Light enters you”

My Approach

"The past is for reference, not for residence". We will work together, briefly revisiting the past, to be better informed about your present. My therapeutic orientation is empowerment based, solution-focused and follows an ecological model of treatment, working with the person as a whole human being, not just its parts. This mindset fuels the therapeutic process. Within an atmosphere free of judgement, your intuitive process will be honored during our sessions.

"Feelings are like visitors, let them come and go". While my counseling style is eclectic, I utilize dialectical approaches to increase mindfulness and acceptance when coping with depression, anxiety and seasons of change. My philosophy when treating trauma, patience. We will work at a pace that is comfortable for you, while giving gentle nudges when fear tries to paralyze. I bring a unique perspective to my counseling services which is focused on insights and real-life solutions to the most challenging of problems.

My Story

Having been in various positions as a helping professional, I decided to became a therapist after witnessing the pain of so many hurting people in the world. People who appeared to have given up hope and had no source of support. As a social worker, I believe in the inherent dignity and worth of all people and that given a safe space, individuals have the capacity to solve their own problems. My hope is you will remember that you are safe here, in the sacred space of a therapeutic relationship.

The alliance between client and counselor is one of the most therapeutic and powerful of tools. It's important for there to be a "good fit", it makes our time and work together more productive. Please take a moment to view my intro to get a better sense of who I am and my perspective. If it's a good fit, reach out!
